Welcome to another enlightening blog post inspired by the “You Are the Medicine” podcast hosted by Dr. Jessica Chichester. Today, we dive deep into a topic that resonates with many of us: the challenges of starting and sticking with a fitness or nutrition program. Whether you’ve blamed a lack of discipline, motivation, or willpower for past failures, we’re here to debunk these myths and share what truly drives success in your health and fitness journey.

The Myth of Discipline 

Many people believe they need discipline to succeed with a fitness or nutrition program. Discipline suggests the ability to force yourself to do something you don’t want to do, despite numerous distractions. But this idea is a trap, starting with a limiting belief.
For example, you might think, “Every time I start an exercise program, I end up quitting.” Or, “Whenever I sign up for a gym membership, I go for a few weeks and then never come back.” If that’s what you’re expecting from the get-go, then no amount of discipline can keep things from spinning out of control.

The key to breaking free from this trap is to change your beliefs. Instead of setting yourself up for failure and hoping you have enough “discipline” to succeed this time, try something different. Ask yourself, “What if I could enjoy this process?” or “What if I could see small wins along the way?” By shifting your mindset, you open the door to a more positive and sustainable approach.


The Reality of Motivation 

 It’s common to think that failure in a fitness or nutrition plan is due to a lack of “motivation.” But what does this really mean? More often than not, what people are really lacking is action. 
Motivation does not result in action; it’s the other way around. Putting simple actions first – committing to two strength workouts a week and drinking half your body weight in ounces of water per day, for example – will create momentum. And while it might feel like you’ve finally found the motivation to succeed, what you’ve really found are the actions that produce momentum. 
When you start small and see results, you naturally want to continue. It’s the act of doing, even in small doses, that fuels your drive to keep going. So next time you feel unmotivated, start with a simple action. The motivation will follow. 

The Illusion of Willpower 

 Many believe that willpower is the key to achieving their health and fitness goals. But what you need to succeed isn’t willpower. It’s a structured plan that makes sense, guidance from a caring coach who helps you overcome obstacles, and accountability from someone who checks in with you regularly.
Willpower is often seen as a finite resource that we can run out of. But what if we didn’t rely on willpower at all? Instead, by creating a plan that fits your lifestyle, seeking guidance, and building a support system, you create an environment where success is the natural outcome.
Consider this: having a coach or a buddy to work out with can make all the difference. They can help you stay on track, celebrate your wins, and navigate any challenges that come your way. This support system is far more effective than trying to muster up willpower on your own.

Practical Tips for Success 

 Here are a few tips to set yourself up for success: 
1. Set Realistic Goals:
Start with small, achievable goals. Instead of aiming to work out every day, commit to two or three times a week. Small successes build confidence and momentum. 
 2. Create a Routine:  
Establish a consistent routine that fits your lifestyle. Whether it’s a morning jog or an evening yoga session, consistency is key. 
 3. Seek Support:
Find a workout buddy or hire a coach. Having someone to share your journey with can provide the motivation and accountability you need. 
 4. Track Your Progress:   
Keep a journal or use an app to track your workouts and nutrition. Seeing your progress over time can be incredibly motivating. 
 5. Celebrate Small Wins:   
Don’t wait until you’ve reached your ultimate goal to celebrate. Acknowledge and celebrate the small victories along the way. 

Personal Journey and Insights 

 As someone who has navigated the ups and downs of fitness and health, I understand these challenges deeply. I became a Hall of Fame athlete, not through sheer willpower or endless motivation, but by creating a supportive environment and focusing on small, consistent actions.
One common myth I want to debunk is the idea that getting married inevitably leads to weight gain. My journey shows that with the right mindset and support, you can maintain and even improve your fitness after major life changes. My husband, Peter, and I work together to stay fit and healthy, demonstrating that partnership can be a powerful tool in your wellness journey.


If you’ve fallen off track with your health and fitness goals, remember that it’s not your fault. Stop relying on discipline and replace it with positive beliefs. Forget about motivation and choose action instead. And leave willpower in the rear-view mirror, replacing it with structure, guidance, and accountability.
Thank you for joining me today on “You Are the Medicine.” I hope you found this post enlightening and empowering. Remember, you have the power to create the changes you want to see in your life. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend who might need a little extra encouragement on their fitness journey. Until next time, stay healthy and keep believing in yourself.
 Don’t forget to follow us on YouTube and Instagram @youarethemedicine33 @hautehealingoasis for more tips and inspiration. Have a wonderful day, everyone! Sat Nam.