Welcome to the Haute Healing Oasis blog! Today, I’m excited to share insights from a recent episode of our podcast, “You Are the Medicine,” where I had the honor of conversing with Ludwight Rigueur, the owner of Soma Performance Training. Ludwight, or Lu as I fondly call him, has been a pivotal figure in my life, supporting my journey for over 20 years.

Lu’s expertise spans across various fields—therapist, physical therapist, personal trainer, QiGong instructor, spiritual leader, intuitive healer, and a certified DNA activation specialist. His holistic approach has been instrumental in my rehabilitation as a Hall of Fame athlete, my spiritual growth, and my physical health, especially during challenging periods involving implants and subsequent recovery with stem cell therapy.

Ludwight’s Background and Journey

During our conversation, Lu shared his inspiring journey into the world of health and wellness. Starting in traditional physical therapy and personal training, he expanded his horizons into holistic and integrative approaches, exploring disciplines like QiGong, spiritual healing, and DNA activation. Each of these modalities offers unique benefits, and integrating them allows him to provide comprehensive support to his clients.

Specializing in DNA Activation

One of the fascinating aspects of Lu’s work is DNA activation, a transformative process that goes beyond physical healing to address our core energetic blueprint. Training with experts in the field, Lu became certified and now helps people unlock their highest potential on a cellular level. This powerful process can significantly impact both physical and spiritual healing.

Rehabilitation and Athletic Training

Lu’s approach to rehabilitation and athletic training is balanced and holistic, focusing on strength, flexibility, and mental resilience. He combines physical therapy techniques with personalized training programs and mental conditioning, ensuring comprehensive recovery. Every person is unique, and Lu’s tailored programs reflect this, addressing individual needs for rehabilitation, performance enhancement, or holistic wellness.

Integrating Spirituality into Practice

Beyond physical training, Lu has been a guiding force in my spiritual journey. He integrates practices like meditation, energy healing, and spiritual counseling into his work, helping clients connect with their inner selves and achieve balance. As a spiritual leader and intuitive healer, Lu guides individuals through their spiritual journeys, helping them find purpose and harmony.

Overcoming Physical Challenges

Lu’s support was crucial during a particularly challenging time when my health was deteriorating due to implants. His approach focused on maintaining physical strength and resilience while addressing the underlying issues. After the removal of the implants and the introduction of stem cell therapy, we worked together to rebuild my health from the ground up, integrating therapies from Haute Healing Oasis.

The Importance of a Multi-Disciplinary Approach

The collaboration between Soma Performance Training and Haute Healing Oasis highlights the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach. Combining different modalities allows us to address all aspects of health—physical, mental, and spiritual. This comprehensive and effective healing process is crucial for overall well-being.

The Future of Wellness

Looking ahead, Lu envisions the future of wellness in integrative approaches that combine traditional and alternative therapies. As we learn more about the connections between mind, body, and spirit, we’ll see more personalized and holistic treatments that address the whole person. His advice to those starting their wellness journey is to begin with self-awareness, understand their body, mind, and spirit, and seek holistic guidance.


I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Lu for sharing his incredible insights and journey with us. His work has had a profound impact on my life, and I am confident that our listeners will benefit greatly from his wisdom.

And to our readers and listeners, remember—you are the medicine. Embrace your journey, take the steps towards healing and transformation, and be well.

Thank you for being part of our community. Until next time, take care and continue to thrive.

Warm regards,

Dr. Jessica Chichester
Co-Owner, Haute Healing Oasis