As the co-owner of Haute Healing Oasis, a sanctuary dedicated to holistic wellness and spiritual rejuvenation, I’ve had the privilege of meeting some extraordinary healers. One such healer is Jorge, known as Hachumak, a revered shaman whose profound insights and practices have significantly enriched my healing journey. 

Shamanism and Practices

Hachumak has been immersed in the healing arts for over 20 years. A native of Peru, he travels frequently between the northern regions and the dense jungles, seamlessly bridging the gap between the worlds of science, spirit, and modern Western civilization. His unique ability to integrate traditional healing with contemporary understanding has made him a proficient healer. I can personally attest to his skills; my experience with him at Haute Healing Oasis has been transformative. Specializing in communicating the mindset of traditional healing, Hachumak has a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. His approach resonates with our mission at Haute Healing Oasis, where we aim to provide a comprehensive healing experience that honors both ancient wisdom and modern science.  

The Book: “Journey Through the Invisible”

 Hachumak’s book, *Journeying Through the Invisible*, offers a profound exploration of shamanic wisdom. When I asked him what inspired him to write the book, he shared that it was a culmination of his life’s work and experiences. He wanted to provide a guide for those seeking a deeper understanding of shamanism and its potential for healing.


The book delves into various themes, such as the differentiation between Priest-Shamanism and Warrior Shamanism. Hachumak explains that Priest-Shamanism focuses on ceremonial and spiritual leadership, while Warrior Shamanism emphasizes strength, protection, and direct intervention in the spiritual realm. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for those seeking to engage with shamanic practices meaningfully.

Another significant topic in the book is the misuse and dangers of sacred plants. In today’s world, where interest in plant medicine is growing, Hachumak stresses the importance of respectful and knowledgeable use. Misusing these sacred plants can lead to spiritual and physical harm, making this an essential conversation for contemporary seekers.

Personal Journey and Background

When I first met Hachumak at Haute Healing Oasis, I was eager to learn more about his background. He shared that his journey into shamanism began in his youth. Growing up in Peru, he was surrounded by a rich cultural tapestry of traditional healing practices. His path was shaped by early experiences with shamans and healers, which ignited his passion for this ancient wisdom.
Hachumak pursued formal education to better understand the scientific aspects of healing, which enabled him to merge traditional shamanic practices with modern knowledge. This dual perspective has been a cornerstone of his work, allowing him to connect with a diverse audience and bridge seemingly disparate worlds.

Broader Perspectives 

In our conversations, I was curious about Hachumak’s views on the evolving role of shamanism in today’s world. He believes that shamanism has an essential role in helping people reconnect with nature, themselves, and the spiritual realm. As the world becomes increasingly disconnected, the need for holistic and integrative healing practices is more critical than ever.

For those interested in exploring shamanism, Hachumak offers valuable advice. He encourages seekers to approach their journey with an open heart and mind, to respect the traditions and practices, and to find a knowledgeable and trustworthy guide. This aligns with our ethos at Haute Healing Oasis, where we emphasize informed and respectful engagement with all healing modalities.

Skepticism and criticism are inevitable, and Hachumak addresses these challenges with grace. He views skepticism as an opportunity for dialogue and education, inviting others to explore shamanism without preconceived notions. His hope for the future of shamanism is that it will be recognized as a vital component of global spiritual practices, contributing to a more harmonious and balanced world.


 My time with Hachumak has been nothing short of enlightening. His depth of knowledge, compassion, and ability to navigate both the spiritual and scientific realms make him a remarkable healer. At Haute Healing Oasis, we are honored to have him share his wisdom and practices, enriching our community and supporting our collective journey towards holistic well-being.

 As we prepare for an in-depth podcast with Hachumak, these questions will guide our conversation, exploring his personal journey, the insights from his book, and his broader perspectives on shamanism. I look forward to sharing this enlightening dialogue with our listeners, hoping it will inspire and inform their own healing journeys.

His book link found on Amazon and Audible:
Journeying Through the Invisible:…