Light & Relaxation Combined
Psio is a completely safe and effective technology that uses visual and audio frequencies to help relax and reprogram your mind.
Falling Asleep Easily
Enjoying A Peaceful Sleep
Increase Attention & Focus
Being In A Good Mood Again
Quick Mental Recovery
Stress & Anxiety Relief
Clear Mental Fog
When it comes to relaxation techniques Psio is a Game Changer!
The PSiO technology offers an innovative, simple and effective solution to rediscover optimum well-being.
Depending on the time of the day and the need, the sessions are tailored in terms of rhythms, colors and eventually relaxing messages.
The PSiO was designed to be used whenever and wherever the need for relaxation or recovery arises.

Guarantees of Efficiency
The PSiO technology has been used for over 20 years in recovery rooms, sleep laboratory and also hospitals to replace or reduce painkillers and sedatives that are normally administered alongside local or loco-regional anesthesia to counter stress during surgery.
In contrast to drugs, this method has proven after 20 years of practice that there are no side effects.
PSiO is certified CE and FCC (no emission of electromagnetic waves).
How it works?
The proposed relaxation technique is mainly based on relaxing voices, soft music and visual stimulation. No physical or mental effort required, just lie down and the technology does the rest.
1. Release the body
PSiO technology is based on recognized techniques offering guided physical relaxation based on guided relaxation, slow breathing, etc.
2. Relax the mind
The occurrence of specific sound frequencies in the background induces the alpha brain rhythm (state of relaxation) and brain chatter decreases. Stories from the right ear to the left ear will then accompany you into a natural release of attention.
3. Relax or Fall asleep
Visual stimulation becomes monotonous. Voices or music gradually pass in the background. Attention then goes completely to rest.

Continuous or Pulsed Light
The programs in the “Pulsed Light” mode favor a quick distraction of one’s attention helping to shut down ‘brain chatter’. They are appropriate for sleep or stress disorders.
The programs in the “Continuous Light” mode are, in turn, frequently used to fight against SAD.

An all-in-one solution
PSiO technology offers you an innovative, simple and effective solution to regain sleep quality.
Stimulation by light at very precise rhythms naturally induces a state of “letting go”, conducive to positive suggestion … and falling asleep.

A portable solution
Whether at home, at work, on vacation … A fantastic tool that you can easily take along and enjoy at any time.

Light therapy and relaxation for a certain letting go
The PSiO is a true companion of the mind without making any effort. This state of total calm induces restful sleep and a peaceful night with pleasant dreams.

A scientifically proven solution
This system has been used with great success in sleep laboratories for over 30 years in Belgium (Brugmann clinics – Dr Guy Hoffman – and Saint-Elisabeth – Dr Albert Lachman -). Dr. Patrick Lemoine – sleep specialist, doctor of neuroscience, director of research at Claude Bernard University in Lyon introduced PSiO as part of his consultations for his most insomniac patients with impressive results.

No side effects and certified to all standards
Unlike drugs, this method has proven after 30 years of practice that there are no side effects. PSiO has also obtained the certificate of total safety for the eyes by the French National Measurement Laboratory (LNE).
Is PSiO dangerous for your health?
No, you can use it as many times as you like, unless you suffer from photosensitive epilepsy.
This graph shows the action of the light emitted by the diodes, the red, green and blue lines. It is clearly seen that there is no ultraviolet or infrared ray emitted by the light sources. There is therefore NO danger in opening your eyes during a session.
Is the PSiO certified?
(French National Laboratory for Metrology and Testing). LNE measured the maximum light intensity of the PSiO and produced a report certifying that the light emitted by the PSiO is approximately 3 times under risk ZERO for the retina. On the other hand, there is a great difference in sensitivity to light depending on the person. It is advisable to practice the sessions by adjusting the light to the minimum level at the start. If the light sensation is too strong, just close your eyes. You will find the LNE report on this link:
Has this product been tested?
Thousands of users around the world use this well-known technology today. Thus, for more than 30 years, this technique has been used in university clinics as rapid relaxation in very stressful environments in operating rooms or sleep laboratories.
What are the benefits of PSiO?
Thanks to PSiO sessions, you will be able to fall asleep easily and sleep peacefully. You will also recover good mood and recover quickly. The pulsating colors associated with voices and music stop ruminating thoughts and naturally put the mind to rest.
When should I do my session with PSiO?
At the beginning, we advise you to listen to it every day at bedtime. Then 3 times a week for 2 months. Then once a week for 1 month. Thereafter, feel free to listen to them again whenever you feel the need. Before night, these recordings are the ideal preparation for a good night’s sleep and for dreams that are both pleasant and useful.
Should I keep my eyes open during the session?
For evening sessions, we advise you to keep your eyes closed. The programs are designed to be listened to in bed, before falling asleep thanks to the relaxing voices.
I am sensitive to light…
Photosensitive people can use the sessions that do not include flickering lights determined by the following symbol:
Level 1 – Very weak stimulation
This level is suitable for photosensitive people.
In addition, for this category of users, it is recommended to set the PSiO to the lowest intensity level
Warning: Despite photosensitive programs, people with epilepsy cannot use it.